Gunung Berlumut

Expedition: Mencari Lumut di Gunung Berlumut
Trekkers: Erra Coklat Cair, me, Ija donot, As
Date: 7th February, 2008

Well well well it's our first mountain climbing of the year. Actual fact we were really planning on climbing the Gunung Ledang and that we intend to meet the Putri Gunung Ledang herself but as faith has it, we were diverted to Gunung Berlumut instead (sorry lah Tuan Putri, we'll have to meet next time) So no choice lah, we will need to check out our self on how much is the exact lumut there is at the summit of this glamourous gunung in Kluang Johore. Needless to say that we are lucky enough to be allowed to camp on the summit as other teams have not been allowed to do so. I guess the Park Rangers must have been charmed by our three dara pingitan. Anyway, we took almost four hours to climb to the summit and camp somewhere near the waterhole. It is quite a `suspense' night to be camping on top of a mountain only by ourselves. It is a windy and cold night. Luckly our equipment is in excellent condition and the ration is enough to satisfy the four of us.
Bermulanya disini.....
baru mula dah rehat diaorang ni....
wawa banyak pohon tumbang.
la la baru kejap jalan dah singgah makan.
pacak beb. mengah dibuatnya.
erra dengan as pasang rumah setinggan haram
periuk coklat
celah gigi tu adalah t*** gigi hahaha
daun musang pandan.
bunga kintan...untuk masak asam.

haaaaa...tu dia lumutnya la secoet aje.
satu-satunya binatang liar yg kami nampak ari tu...
banglo kitaorang.
me dan ija tengah makan nasi lemak kukus.
As dan erra di suite mereka.

Sungai di puncak...bestnya
Gigi palsu gergasi tertinggal..
kabus kat botak
di puncak

yahoo...minum di kluang coffee kat puncak
sukalah tu
jangan jealous ye ahkam
ni dia...makan besar
ok boleh balik, suruh aje tiga ninja turtle nih bawak bebarang..budak botak2 lepak je keja dia.

Gua Tempurung

Date: 26th January, 2008
Trekkers: Erra, Alice, AhKam, Ija, Maz Donot and me.

Alice dalam lubang yang dikhaskan untuk tikus.
AhKam and fren
Erra dan Alice dalam lubang lagi.
ni namanya berada dicelah batu berapit.
AhKam tengah menunjukkan teknik pd budak UITM machang.
Teknik ni usah diikut ya tuan puan.
posing berhadapan batu alur.
penuh gambar dibuatnya dua ekor donot nih.
adik beradik batu batang berjuntai....

ahkam menunjukkan skillnya lagi..
ija suka sangat dapat masuk gua..
ija lg suka dapat masuk lubang cencorot.
wawawewa...meniarap dibawah batu sandwich
air-cond dalam gua.